Monday, May 25, 2009

I am back...

From my little hiatus feeling completely miserable because I am sick as a dog. I have been feeling this way since Friday morning and I feel like jumping off a bridge to take myself out of my misery. I mean, It was a long holiday weekend for gods sake! I was supposed to be out having fun not at home with a sore throat, stuffed up nose and feeling like a two ton truck just ran me over!

Alas, life must go on. I will take this time to recap on what I have been up to....

As you can see here my trip to NYC was a success. I had a lot of fun and as usual it was hard for me to say goodbye.

I decided since I cannot be out and about enjoying the long weekend doing fun things. I would bring the fun and sunshine to me with a fun and bright manicure.

Also, while I sat in solitary confinement, on my couch, away from Mr. P as to not get him sick too. I got cracking with some over due crafting and made these:

Meet Erika, My hair model. LOL

As usual, these are only previews. The better looking photos will be posted on my accessory blog. I will let you all know when they are up.

I also have some new jewelry pieces but those will be on another post.

There are a bunch of other things that I want to blog about. I did not forget about my bedroom make over but with house guests, road trips, getting sick and other life things that has been put on the back burner for just a little while. I will be getting back to that very shortly!

So much to do, so little time.

What have you guys been up to? I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on!

Ciao! xoxo
~Dissolved Girl


Yumeko said...

lookit the feathers

Meandering Mel said...

I like the hair clip thingies. They're awesome. :)

You said you were back... but you haven't posted since Monday!

We miss you!