Friday, March 6, 2009

What's In your Purse?

Here is mine:

Purse of the week:

The Goods:

Wallet, Building access cards with business cards, Note pad, Pen, Make-up case, Exedrine, ipod, cough drops, house and car keys, work keys, work phone, blackberry, hair clip and chapstick

The make-up case:

comb, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, gum, drops for contacts, perfume, glass cleaner cloth (for sunglasses, camera lense, and reading glasses), Nars lipgloss in Orgasm, and recently added my Hello Kitty compact.

Not pictured because I was using it, my trusty camera, I never leave home with out it.

Until next time, Ciao!! xoxo

~ Dissolved Girl


Smirking Cat said...

My purse is pretty tiny, so I carry my wallet, comb, pen, pocketknife, powder compact, and a lipstick. That's about all that fits!

Dissolved Girl said...

I try to carry a small purse but it is so hard. When I do take a smaller one I end up filling it up so much that I am scared it will bust at the seams, then I stuff my pockets which what I could not fit in the purse and what does not fit in my pockets I stuff it into Mr. P's pockets. So I gave that up and continue with my hobo lady bags. hehehehe....