Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am open for business!!

I opened my Etsy store today, please come by and visit it. You can also click on the Etsy banner under my followers box. Also, for about the next 48 hours my accessory blog will be down for updating but you can visit my store in the mean time. I uploaded several things today.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Ciao! xoxo

~Dissolved Girl


Lady Jane said...

I LOOVVEE ETSY!! I just did a post about my addiction! I will for sure check out your shop. I am currently trying to develop a stock to open my own. Good luck:)) BTW - first time here...glad I found it.

Iyah Love said...

Wow!! that is cool!! :) Nice pieces you got there ;D

erin said...

Yah!! I loooove acessories!